Perennial marsh plant having swordlike leaves and aromatic roots.
The hollow spine of a feather.
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1 The most remarkable are the ratans, belonging to the Calamus genus of palms.
2 That the letter is in hopeless conflict with the ' Calamus ' section of poems.
3 You will see that he harps on the Calamus poems again.
4 It is found in the dense brushes along with three other palms, Seaforthia, Corypha, and Calamus .
5 He recalls, however, Whitman's own lines at the end of " Calamus " in the Camden edition of 1876:-
6 The rotan salak ( Calamus zalacca, Gaert.)
7 Its fruit, of the form of the cones of the pine, and covered with scales, perfectly resembles that of the Calamus rotang.
8 He is always driving at me about that: is that what Calamus means?-becauseof me or in spite of me, is that what it means?
9 Oil, from Exodus 30: Olive oil infused with cinnamon, calamus , cassia and myrrh.
10 He had also pennyroyal for healing teas, and calamus and bitter-bark for miseries.
11 The jays are bluer than the calamus bed they wrangle above with throaty chatter.
12 In seven large bowls he places calamus , cedarwood, and incense.
13 Barbs showed a lower denaturation temperature than rachis and calamus .
14 Thus Adam gathered saffron, nard, calamus , and cinnamon, and all sorts of seeds besides for his sustenance.
15 Calamus needs clear ideas; it may be easily, innocently distorted from its natural, its motive, body of doctrine.
16 The " calamus " followed the "brush," just as
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